At JB-Eye we recognise that for schools, controlling who has access to your site and knowing who is in your school at any given time, is vital when it comes to safeguarding pupils, staff and property. Our fully connected access control systems can give you that security and the peace of mind.
It is essential we recognise the limitations of the traditional standalone systems employed by many schools, which tend to be limited to covering one specific area such as, a front door or a school gate. In addition, when multiple standalone systems are used, programming of multiple cards and fobs can be both a timely and arduous task. Meticulous separate records have to be kept for an accurate reflection of who has what card or fob. What’s more, losing a key fob or card presents a huge security risk, with the fob or card, having to immediately be removed from each system individually, that is of course trusting the records to be accurate.
A fully Connected Access Control system puts you in control, allowing you to ensure that only the people you authorise have access to the areas of the site that you want them to and at the times you decide. It can provide a quick, easy and above all else, secure, solution to all of your access needs and can be tailored specifically to meet the needs of your school, freeing up valuable staff time in the process.
Enrolment is quick and easy and needs only to be done in one location with the authorised areas being selected simultaneously and any changes becoming immediately active. A lost fob or card, can be removed centrally thus immediately securing all doors and preventing the fob or card’s misuse.
Widening access controls beyond the front doors, means that you have control over which areas of the building can be accessed by individuals and allows you to set up delegated access privileges for both staff and visitors.

Our Access controlled systems can be integrated with additional security to provide the option of taking CCTV snapshots when access is granted or denied to certain areas. Visitors signing in can be automatically be given access to certain areas while staff can use their ID cards to sign in and out of site.
Our Access control systems can even monitor and secure multiple sites within an academy trust, with individuals being given access to multiple sites using a single fob or card.
If needed we can extend our Access Control to cover the full student base, enabling you to track timekeeping and attendance information for students. This can be integrated into Health and Safety systems so you know exactly who is in the building at any given time.
Our Access Control Panels can also linked to the fire alarm systems, so in the case of a fire evacuation scenario exit routes are free to pass through unobstructed.
For a free access control evaluation please contact us for a no obligation site visit to discuss your requirements and ‘unlock’ potential savings.