JB-EYE will undertake the design, installation, certification and continuous maintenance of your fire alarm for small and large installations alike. We are able to structure an annual certification and maintenance program which will help our clients comply with national and local government regulations and in addition includes cost efficient preventive maintenance. Our clients are seen to be acting highly responsible with regards to the safety and welfare of their employees whilst keeping abreast of all revisions and modifications to the national and local fire codes and addressing their continually changing requirements.

New Installation
From the initial consultation to discuss your requirements right through to commissioning, handover and provision of BAFE certificates your dedicated JB-EYE team will simplify the process of installing a new system. Providing ease to read full system quotations, simple paperwork and electronic contracts we can minimise your workload. Our independently audited engineers will ensure disruption is minimised and systems are installed to the highest industry standards.

Takeover of Existing Systems
Our independently audited engineers will carry out a takeover survey to assess the standard of your current installation and advise of any remedial action required to ensure your premises are adequately protected. In many cases when we takeover existing fire alarm systems we are able to reuse existing control equipment, cabling and detection devices to minimise your capital outlay.

All JB-EYE fire alarm system contracts include two BAFE approved routine services per annum. Our engineers will test all detection devices on your system over the course of the two visits and check the batteries and control panel operation on each visit. You will receive a BAFE certificate for each visit to provide evidence to all stakeholders of your compliance.

For customers with a JB-EYE monitored intruder alarm systems we can provide a connection to the fire alarm to allow communication to our NSI approved Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). When the intruder alarm is set systems will be actioned to your local fire brigade minimising the risk of false alarms when the premises is occupied and ensuring protection when its unoccupied. Independent dedicated fire alarm monitoring is also available.
Educational FIrE Alarms
Frequently Asked Questions
How do fire alarms work?
All fire alarm systems work on the same basic principle. If someone operates a manual call point or a detection device is activated by smoke or heat then the alarm sounders are activated to alert people in the premises of a potential fire. A fire alarm system that incorporates remote signalling will also alert a remote monitoring station who can notify key holders and request fire brigade attendance.
What types of fire alarm system do JB-EYE offer?
Conventional Systems
A conventional fire alarm system is generally suitable for small to medium size premises. The fire alarm system will typically be segregated into separate zones (areas) although in some very small systems the whole premises may be one single zone. When any device is activated sounders throughout the premises will ring. The control panel will indicate which zone has activated. On systems with multiple zones this allows nominated fire marshals to tailor evacuation accordingly and for the fire brigade to narrow down their search for a fire to a particular area of the premises. Where faults occur the control panel will indicate the affected zone allowing maintenance staff to narrow down fault finding.
Addressable Systems
An addressable fire alarm system is generally suited to a medium to large size premises and operates on the same principal as a conventional system, however the primary difference is the control panel is able to report the exact device that has triggered the alarm. By having this extra information nominated fire marshals can make much more informed decisions about how to evacuate a premises and responding fire brigade staff can go directly to the point the fire has been reported from. Where faults occur the control panel will indicate the affected device allowing maintenance staff to very quickly narrow down fault finding. The intelligent nature of the equipment also allows a much more varied approach to fire actions procedures possibly including phased alarms or links to other systems.
Why should you consider a monitored fire detection system?
Could your company survive a fire? or would it be one of the 54% of businesses which never recover?
Fire doesn’t discriminate. It hits anything from hospitals to retail outlets, factories to schools, residential or industrial. Everyone is at risk. There are ways of protecting yourself and your property.
Example Scenario
Your property contains irreplaceable data, sales and purchase ledgers, accounts, customer details, tools and machinery. The building’s electric’s are strained. Eventually they submit and it’s here your nightmare begins. At first it’s just a cable but soon the flames take hold and begin to spread. Smoke is about to trigger your alarm.
The outcome for premises without monitoring
At 2.00am the audible fire alarm sounds. At 2.35am the fire is devastating the building and woken some local residents who have called the fire brigade. By 6.30am the building, and your business, have literally gone up in smoke. At first your customers are sympathetic but soon their own needs take over and they begin to look elsewhere.
The outcome for premises with monitoring
At 2.00am when the smoke triggers the alarm a signal is sent from your alarm panel to our Alarm Receiving Centre and the fire brigade are dispatched. At 2.15am the fire service has gained entry to the building and confined the fire to a small area limiting the damage. By 6.30am am the building and more importantly your business are still standing. The whole process from the alarm being raised to dispatching the Fire brigade takes only seconds and because all the systems are continuously monitored any system failure can be investigated.
JB-EYE can offer monitored fire alarm systems either with a dedicated monitoring device or for customers with a JB-EYE intruder alarm system monitoring of the fire alarm can be included without additional charge.
What are my legal responsibilities?
Fire Regulation in England and Wales is governed by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. In England and Wales, if you’re an employer, owner, landlord or occupier of business or other non-domestic premises, you’re responsible for fire safety and are known as the ‘responsible person’.
Shared premises: In shared premises it’s likely there’ll be more than one responsible person. You’ll need to coordinate your fire safety plans to make sure people on or around the premises are safe. For common or shared areas, the responsible person is the landlord, freeholder or managing agent.
As the ‘responsible person’ you must:
- carry out and regularly review a fire risk assessment of the premises
- tell staff or their representatives about the risks you’ve identified
- put in place, and maintain, appropriate fire safety measures
- plan for an emergency
- provide staff information, fire safety instruction and training
If your business employs 5 or more people you must maintain a written fire risk assessment
Non-domestic premises are:
- all workplaces and commercial premises
- all premises the public have access to
- the common parts of multi-occupied residential buildings
What category of fire alarm system do I need?
The first decision to be made when considering a fire detection system is a simple choice of establishing the purpose of the system, that is whether it is for protecting the building, its contents and business continuity (Property Protection) or enhancing the safety of the occupants (Life Protection). British Standard BS 5839-1: 2017 categorises systems according to their purpose and the extent of protection to be afforded.
Manual (Category M)
If it is determined that there should be no automatic detection, a simple system comprising sounders and break glass call points alone might suffice. This type of system is described as a Category M system.
Clause 5 of the code divides systems that incorporate automatic fire detection into two main Categories, according to whether the objective is life safety (Category L) or property protection (Category P). The two Categories are then further sub-divided, according to the extent of coverage by automatic fire detection.
Life Protection (Category L)
This classification provides for the protection of life, that is the safety of the occupants. It caters for the detection of a fire, initiates an alarm of fire, and provides sufficient time for the occupants to escape from the building.
Category L5: The protected area and/or the location of detectors is designed to satisfy a specific fire safety objective. This may be defined in a fire engineering solution or from a fire risk assessment.
Category L4: Covers those parts of the escape routes comprising circulation areas and circulation spaces, such as corridors and airways.
Category L3: Covers escape routes and rooms opening onto escape routes (detectors may be situated adjacent to the door onto the escape route).
Category L2: Covers the areas protected by Category 3 system plus other areas where it is considered that there is a high fire hazard and/ or fire risk.
Category L1: Total coverage throughout the building.
Property Protection (Category P)
This classification provides for the protection of property and its contents. It caters for the automatic detection of a fire, initiates an alarm of fire, and results in summoning of the fire brigade (which may be by a means of automatic transmission of fire signals to an Alarm Receiving Centre).
Category P2: Covers areas of high fire hazard or high risk to property or business continuity from fire.
Category P1: Total coverage throughout the building.
JB EYE can offer individually tailored advice on the fire alarm system most suited to your requirements.